
Gestures in Appium - Part 11 - Use Appium Inspector to Create Gestures

Overview This is the eleventh part (last one) of the complete Gestures guide in the Appium series. Did you know that there’s a very interesting feature in the Appium Inspector designed to create gestures for us? It’s like drawing gestures on your app screen! What is Appium Inspector? I’m pretty sure that the reader is familiar with this tool since it’s used to locate elements, and we use it from day one in mobile automation.
4 minutes to read

Gestures in Appium - Part 10- Perform gestures in Mobile Web Browsers

Overview This is the tenth part of the complete Gestures guide in the Appium series. So far, we’ve covered all possible gestures in native mobile applications. But what if we want to perform gestures in mobile browsers like Chrome Mobile? This means doing actions on websites opened by mobile browsers. Or what if that page is in a WebView context (in a Hybrid App)? Actually, it’s the same as using Selenium, since we are automating a web page.
3 minutes to read

Gestures in Appium - Part 9- Plugin

Overview This is the ninth part of the complete Gestures guide in the Appium series. There is a plugin called appium-gestures-plugin from the AppiumTestDistribution team, who are famous for their useful plugins. So, I thought it is worth talking a bit about it here in this series. The repository itself is the best place to follow the project, but this post is a sample in Python which was not included in their docs.
3 minutes to read

Gestures in Appium - Part 8 - Zoom (Pinch)

Overview This is the eighth part of the complete Gestures guide in the Appium series. In this guide, we will learn how to perform Zoom In/Out (Pinch) action. We do zooming to see the details, mostly on photos but sometimes on other elements like maps. During my career, I’ve rarely used this gesture, but it might be needed for some cases like automating maps/polygons. By the way, in order to finish the testing task you might need Visual Testing as well since the details on elements like maps or photos are not intractable.
7 minutes to read

Gestures in Appium - Part 7- Drag and Drop

Overview This is the seventh part of the complete Gestures guide in the Appium series. In this guide, we will learn how to perform Drag and Drop action. It is one of the most important gestures in mobile automation, and mastering it is essential. Let’s dive in! What is Drag and Drop? Well, the name defines itself. You pick something and drop it somewhere else, It consists of 4 actions:
3 minutes to read

Gestures in Appium - Part 6- Flick (Fling)

Overview This is the sixth part of the complete Gestures guide in the Appium series. In previous posts, we familiarized ourselves with Scrolling and Swiping and now we will learn how to perform the Flick gesture action. This action is also called Fling or, in some places, Flip. If you are not familiar with the differences between these gestures, please refer to the previous post where I explained it in detail.
2 minutes to read

Gestures in Appium - Part 5 - Swipe (Vertical/Horizontal)

Overview This is the fifth part of the complete Gestures guide in the Appium series. In this guide, we will learn how to perform the Swipe action in all directions (up/down/right/left) which is something between Scroll and Flick (fling). What is the difference between Scroll, Swipe, and Flick (Fling)? Scroll: Moving contents of the page within a container (scroll bounding area) to 4 main directions (up, down, left, right). It is performed slowly and in a controlled manner.
8 minutes to read

Gestures in Appium - Part 4 - Scroll (Vertical/Horizontal/Search and Scroll Element IntoView)

Overview This is the fourth part of the complete Gestures guide in the Appium series. In this guide, we will learn how to perform Scroll action in all directions (up/down/right/left) and search for elements using scroll to bring them into view (Scroll Element Into View). Scroll Up and Down using W3C Actions API from appium import webdriver from appium.webdriver.common.appiumby import AppiumBy from appium.options.android import UiAutomator2Options import desired_caps # Explained in Part 1 appium_options = UiAutomator2Options().
12 minutes to read

Gestures in Appium - Part 3- Press and Hold (Long Press)

Overview In the third part of the “Gestures in Appium” series, we will explore how to perform the “Long Press” gesture in Appium. This gesture is typically used to make the item under press draggable or to open modification options like Deletion, Edit, or Select. So, let’s dive in! Press and Hold using W3C Actions API from appium import webdriver from appium.webdriver.common.appiumby import AppiumBy from appium.options.android import UiAutomator2Options from selenium.
4 minutes to read

Gestures in Appium - Part 2 - Tap | Double Tap | Multi-finger Tap

Overview In the second part of the “Gestures in Appium” series I will cover all the different methods to perform ‘Tap’, ‘Multi-finger Tap’ and ‘Double Tap’ What is tapping? We use our fingers to touch the device. Tapping is quickly touching the device with a bit of pressure, similar to clicking with a mouse. So what is the difference between Tap, Click, and Press? Well, Clicking involves using input devices like a Mouse or Trackpad, while on mobile devices, we use our fingers to touch the screen, which is why it’s referred to as ‘Tap’ instead of ‘Click’.
7 minutes to read